Thursday, September 18, 2008

Me, the epiphany junkie

Seven years ago, i realised that life was not meaningless or meaningful, but simply a movement from one epiphany to the other.

I meticulously documented my epiphanies, i discussed my epiphanies, i dwelled on my epiphanies. I even came up with processes to arrive at epiphanies faster and more frequently.

After a while, I realised I had become an epiphany junkie.

Then came the long and painful process of epiphany de-addiction. It started by my going to epiphanics anonymous, and admitting that I had a problem. Over the next seven years, I came to believe that I had conquered my addiction.


In actuality I never stopped having epiphanies, I just started ignoring them. Which is when I had the epiphany that changed it all, that started it all.

There is nothing wrong with being an epiphany junkie.

So today I start documenting my epiphanies to inflict (i mean share) my profound sage daily realisations with the world.

Someday I hope to win the Nobel Prize.

1 comment:

Nafisa Crishna said...

you, my friend, have a way with words....

it's beautiful....
